Media Story Telling Lecture 5 Review.

On February 22, our professors gave a lecture on the tools and terminology we needed to know that will help us in the writing industry. First we discussed about how the interned and the world wide web are not the same and that they are two completely different.  According to, the internet is the global communication network that allows almost every computer in the world to connect and exchange information. The world wide web is an informational system that allows documents to be connected to other documents by hypertext links, which allows the user to search for information by moving from one document to another.

We also talked about how the world wide web is the software that allows the g.u.i., a.k.a. graphical user interface to view information the user is looking at. The T.C.P. I.P. is known as the transmission control protocol/internet protocol, which according to, is a protocol for communication between computers and is the standard for transmitting data over networks and as the bias for other networks and as the bias for standard internet protocols. The I.P., known as the internet protocol, is the protocol which data is sent from one computer to another. Later on in the lecture, our professors talked about how every device that can access the internet has an I.P. address and how more users are accessing the intern using devices other than computers.

Towards the end of the lecture, our professors talked about the basics of online writing. They said that online writing is the same as traditional writing like writing for a newspaper or a magazine. However, it is getting a lot harder today to grab readers’s attention than it used to be and its very important to avoid loosing readers as much as possible. We then ended the lecture talking about using the inverted pyramid style of writing when writing news stories or blogs. Finally it’s also important for your works to be presented in a more conversational manner instead of something more formal.

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