Zach Beran Interview

Zach Beran is a senior at the University of Nebraska at Omaha majoring in Music Performance. When he was in 4th grade, he picked up the trumpet and has been playing ever since. Beran continued to play the trumpet through middle school and high school, it wasn’t until high school he realized he wanted to play trombone for a living, he then got accepted to the University of Nebraska at Omaha to pursue studying and playing music.

During his freshman year, Beran was in the UNO marching band where he performed on the football field for his first three years, during that time he was also involved in Symphonic Wind Ensemble  and Jazz band No.1 for the past four years, Jazz band No. 2 for two years and the stray horns brass band for two years. Beran is also involved in the Heartland Philharmonic Orchestra for four years and the Chamber Orchestra for two years and the UNO pep band.

Some advice he would like to give any aspiring trumpet player and musician is to never judge yourself on other people’s standards and always go for playing the music and not be to caught up in who is better than who.

Link for the audio file is here:

Zach Beran Audio

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