Video Project #2

On April 17th, I visited the Slowdown bar in downtown Omaha where I saw 3 very talented bands perform on stage in front of about 100 people. The bands, No Getter, Timecat and Defeater, pleased the audience who appreciate the talented arts of the D.I.Y. Punk community, alternative rock and metal. Although No Getter and Defeater had amazing performances, I was mainly there for the band Timecat, you can check out their website in the link at the bottom of the page. As always, Timecat delivered a performance that can’t be forgotten with music only the D.I.Y. Punk/Metal community can only describe as Midtown Moonrock. The members, Matt, Jay, Joey and David make you feel as though you’re part of the performance.

Timecat Slowdown Performance Video

No Getter



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